Think of us as your big sisters!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pros and Cons of Pads!!

Hey girls, I know I just did a post about the Pro's and Con's of Tampons, BUT I almost forgot to do a post on the pro's and con's of pads so here goes:

Pro's of Pads:
1. They don't need to go inside your body
2. They are more comfortable to sleep in
3. They're easier to change so you can easily see when you need to change them
4. They're simple and easy to put on
5. They stick to your panties so they don't move around too much
6. You can be sure you have the right size and absorbancy before you leave the store based on your body
7. They may have wings (depending if you buy them with wings) so they protect your panties
8. You don't have to worry about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) as you would with a tampon
9. It doesn't matter if your cervix is tipped
10. They work with all body types :)

Con's of pads:
1. They sometimes smell a little funky, even if they are fragrance free
2. It's uncomfortable to run and exercise
3. You can feel like your bleeding and will worry if you are going to bleed out
4. Can't wear thongs if you're a thong kind of girl
5. They're bulky
6. You can't swim in them
7. They're a bear to dispose, and you can't flush them
8. You may get VPL
9. They take up a lot of space if you throw them in your bag
10. And they aren't that great for sports and may move and you could bleed out

And like I said before, e-mail us with your pro's and con's at and let us know what your pro's and con's are!



  1. I love pads! It's lovely too want too cry that you can't wear thongs too wear pads! Which I love of pads, is that I love too see the waistband of that person's panties and she sees the waistband of my boxer briefs!


Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think! You can even do so anonymously if you wish. :) xo