Hey Girls! I know it's been waaaay too long since I've last posted, but it was mainly because I wasn't managing my time well! So here's to you, the girl who does EVERYTHING and is yet to stay organized!!
I swear this is the best thing for you. Yes, the calendar in your phone is great, but a daily or weekly planner is a must. You can write out assignments for any classes you may be taking, and be able to delegate enough time to make sure they get done and get done on time- without cramming that book report in at 11:00p.m. on a school night! Then, once you've got everything in for school write down any chores you might need to get done- like walk Fido or take the trash out on garbage night. Then lastly, make sure you leave yourself some free time to talk to friends or go to the movies on a Friday night :)
Well, now that you've bought this (hopfully stylish) planner, you're probably wondering how you even use it! Thats where learning how to prioritize and put the must-do's before the want-to-do's. Here's the system I like to use.
A= Must-do, like a math assignment due the next day, it's urgent and must get done now or else there may be consequences (like a bad grade)!
B= Should-do, like work on the book report due Friday, it's something you should work on, but isn't due tomorrow but still needs to be done.
and lastly,
C= Want-to-do, like go to the movies with your boyfriend, read your favorite book, or watch your show on TV. It's something you'd like to do but you don't NEED to do (even if you really want to, you're A's and B's come first!).
By writing out your A's first and then B's and then C's you can get what must be done done and then work on your B's. This way if there's any time leftover, you can use it for your things ranked C. Though, always remember to designate time for sleep, meals, and some downtime for your brain so you don't get too stressed out!
It may sound cheesy, but we all know technology is great in its own way, but pen and paper can't crash like a phone or computer. Though, with a filing system, you should definately keep it organized. An "in-box" is a great way of keeping everything together that needs to be filed, but what do you do when that "in-box" gets out of control? Well, you file it! Hanging files are a great way to keep instruction manuals, medical documents, bills, etc, all in one place and at your fingertips. However, priortitzing what gets filed is also a problem. Your light bill due Monday probably shouldn't get filed away but instead stay by your checkbook and stamps to get paid. The copy of the bill or recipts are a good idea to file until you are sure they are paid. Then, recycle and keep tidy the rest of youre important papers!
Alright girls, off for dinner! Hope this helps!
thanks for sharing, sweety