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Friday, August 12, 2011

10 Beauty Tips for SCHOOL

That's right, girls, back to school time is upon us! (HALLOWEEN decorations are already in stores!!?? It's still summer!) Here are 10 fun, easy, back to school beauty tips to help keep you looking your best.

1. Carry face blotting papers with you to soak up oil without smudging your makeup.

2. Smell good all day by spraying perfume at the nape of your neck. The fine hairs there will absorb and hold fragrance longer than your skin does.

3. Use a shimmery gloss if you want your lips to seem fuller, and a matte lipstick to make them seem thinner.

4. If you don't have time to wash and style your hair every morning, shower before bed, then put your damp hair in a braid or bun. Your hair will have natural looking waves in the morning, and you'll be clean and ready to go!

5. Drink as much H2O as possible every day. Carry a water bottle around with you at school if you can! It has been said that staying hydrated can keep your complexion clear, and I've definitely noticed that myself.

6. Store a beauty touch-up kit in your locker. If you rushed to school, you can apply any steps you missed once you get there.

7. Massage your scalp for 3 minutes to increase blood flow- some say it will make your hair grow faster! You can also strengthen your hair by eating foods rich in sulfur, like milk, fish, and eggs.

8. Apply a bold, shiny lip color to draw attention to your face. You'll instantly appear confident.

9. Pair a chic headband with a messy bun for a casual, but cute daytime style. Or, if you don't have time to curl all of your hair, just curl the ends of a basic ponytail to make it more polished.

10. Microwave a small bowl of your body moisturizer for 20 seconds before you apply it- warm lotion is great for soothing tired muscles and dry feet. Or, if it's a really hot day, pop your lotion into the fridge for 10 minutes before applying it for a cooling effect.

I hope these helped you out! Comment below and let me know which idea was your favorite, or leave me your own beauty tips and tricks. Good luck!



  1. Could you please do a post on feminine products you like? As in tampons and pads. Also could you talk about menstrual cups? Have you ever used one? How do they work? Do you like them?
    Also what do you use to control cramps? Any natural remedies? I like pamprin it seems to help but I need other ideas. Thanks!

  2. Of course! We will get right on your requests. Stay tuned for them- they'll be posted later this week.
    xoxo- Alli

  3. Thanks so much I love your blog!


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