Think of us as your big sisters!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Period Blues

Need a pick me up?  Here are some things that always work for me when I'm down.

Try a hot mug of herbal tea, some chocolate, or a good book.
Exercise can also make you feel better. Or, just take a nap with a hot water bottle.

I would also suggest giving a friend a call or getting together and doing something fun. Do your hair, put on your favorite dress, and go out to a movie. You'll have fun and feel gorgeous! If you'd rather, just stay in and watch a chick flick with some girlfriends and do your nails. It's good to feel pampered and take your mind off your blues.

If you're having a bad day, Amii and I are always here to talk to you, too! feel free to email us at if you need advice or just a friend to talk to. We'll get back to you ASAP. :)


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