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Monday, August 15, 2011

Girls-Only Yoga Book: my review!

Yoga to the Rescue: Remedies for Real Girls by Amy Luwis is a book I recently picked up at my local Barnes & Noble. I don't have much experience with yoga, but I've always been interested in it- not for the meditation aspect, but because I love the stretches and poses that are beneficial to your body. I've been looking for a good yoga book for awhile. I wanted something fun, easy, but also informative, and I have definitely found it in Amy Luwis' book! I wanted to share it with you so you can check it out for yourself.

The first thing I noticed about this book was how cute it was! It's bright pink, compact, and every page is filled with funny illustrations by Amy herself. This book might not seem serious, but you definitely get a lot out of it!

Another thing I like about this book is that each of the 48 poses is divided into a category- the categories are Sexy, Calm, Energy, Restore, Sanity, Cleanse, and Ragtime.  These categories will do multiple things for you- whether you want to tone a certain area, boost your confidence, get some sleep, stretch a particular area or organ, improve your posture, or relieve PMS symptoms- it's all in this book, and so much more!

Each page has a helpful (and super funny!) illustration of the pose, as well as an easy-to-understand instruction guide, helpful pointers, and a list of the physical and mental benefits the pose will provide. 

You  name what you want your pose to do for you, and there is something in this book that will aid in that area! It doesn't matter if you're 8 or 80, flexible or stiff, a yoga newbie like myself or a master of the thing, you're sure to love this book! It's great for any girl who's interested in learning more about yoga.

If you're tired of the super-serious yoga books featuring perfect women in perfect poses, Yoga to the Rescue swaps spirituality and skinny minnies for cartoon women with tummy rolls without sacrificing top-notch yoga instruction. I highly recommend this fresh approach to yoga. It's fun, beneficial, and affordable (check it out at your bookstore or!
Have you ever tried yoga? What are your favorite resources to learn it? Let me know what you think about this post in the comments!
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